East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report, February 27,2016

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Thank you for all the guests on Feb27!
It was a nice weather, and luckily, we could enjoy plum and a kind of cherry blooming.
In general, Cherry blosssoms bloom in late March or early April, but there are some species of winter-blooming cherry trees in the east garden.


By the way, in this season, many of Japanese put on masks and  one of guests asked me why.

Some of them put masks for prevention of flu or getting cold, but I think major reason is for their pollen allergy (including me!!).
Actually, it is said that 25% of Japanese has pollen allergy.
In Japan, after the Second World War, many forests were cut down for economic revival. But the sudden forests reduction caused many disasters, then Japanese plant many  Japanese cedar trees as a countermeasure.
However, in 1980s, after 30years from the planting,cedan trees grew up and  cedar pollen had started to fly, then Japanese nose showed rejection to a large quantity of pollen.
Since then and still now, we have been suffering from pllen allergy in this season.(especially form February to May)
You can check various masks in convenience stores or drug stores, such as pollen masks, masks which can keep humidity, or perfectly fits your nose and so on.

Anyway,  we have a regulartour every saturday and sometimes have weekday/sunday tours.

Please chek our website and join our tour!!