
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report On January 28th

It was unusually warm. I couldn’t believe we are in winter now. It was like spring has come. By the way, we welcomed 23 guests from   Australia, U.K., Indonesia, Germany, Korea, Ukraine, and Argentine. We split into 5groups and began the tour from Marunouchi central gate of Tokyo station at 1:00pm.as usual. These are the group-photos. See below, The palace has a Japanese plum garden which has many kinds of Japanese plum-trees. Now they have cute flowers. They are supposed to bloom in February, b...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 21 January 2017, Saturday

On that day we welcomed 32 guests from USA, Singapore, France, New Zealand, Australia, Phillipines, Taiwan, Argentina, Vietnam, Sweden and Indonesia. We divided into 4 groups. It was a cold and windy day but the sky was very clear. We are always pleased with a lot of people from all over the world joining this tour. Interestingly,  it was very difficult for people from overseas to visit this country during which the East Garden was the feudal lord's castle not only because travel methods were li...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 14-January, 2017, Saturday

We would like to thank all our guests for joining Tokyo Free Walking Tour on January 14, 2017. Winter season has definitely come. As the Meteorological Agency predicted, the daytime temperature in Tokyo was less than ten degrees. Despite such severe weather, around thirty guests participated in our strolling tour. All of the participants were divided into four or five groups and several guides were assigned to each group to accompany them. The groups' starting point was Tokyo station and we walk...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 7-January, 2017, Saturday

Happy New Year! Thank you the guests who kindly joined our first 2017 tour on 7th. We had 26 guests, divided by five groups. We have relatively warm winter this year, so could enjoy Japanese apricot (Ume) blossom already (it usually blooms in February). Thanks to my guests’ suggestion, I smelled the small flower for the first time. It is light scent but I feel such light scent represents Japanese modesty. I strongly recommend you to do; you can touch Japanese elegance. Japanese consider New Year...