East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour report on 20th May,Saturday

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

I want to express many thanks for sparing your precious time and joining our tour to the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace on 20th May. We welcomed 71 friendly guests throughout the world.The weather was fantastic but in spite of the heat of the early summer I hope you could enjoy the tour and the instant kimono afterwards.


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By the way I presume many of you have seen Fujimi Yagura(Mt. Fuji viewing fortified tower) from outside. This is the highest building at the Imperial Palace, so the leading figures in the olden days might have enjoyed viewing Mt. Fuji from the top. It is not possible to see the mountain now because the tall buildings get in the way of viewing.
Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 meters and located about 100 kilometers from Tokyo and is really most beautiful in Japan. The mountain is an active volcano which last erupted about 300 years ago.

Mt. Fuji is sacred and has accepted the pilgrims from the ancient period. The mountain is regarded as a symbol of the country and mental support for the Japanese people.

5000-14cV                                                             (photo:Fuji City)

When snow melts, climbing season will come during July and August.Approximately 300,000 people climb to the top in every summer to witness the sunrise. If you are planning to visit Japan at that time, it is recommendable to keep this as an option.  Otherwise one day trip to the fifth station (2,300 meters) is alternative from Tokyo by the Shinkansen or bus. You can enjoy a panoramic view as well as the cool air. Besides, there are hot spring resorts around the lakes at the foot of the mountain. Why not getting relaxed at onsen after climbing Mt. Fuji?

(posted by Yoshi)