Thank you very much for participating in the Asakusa Morning / Evening Tour and Ueno Park Tour held on Sep 10th.
Two days have passed since the Typhoon attacked the Kanto area, a shiny and hot day came back.
We welcomed the total number of 22 Guests for Asakusa and Ueno Park tours from USA, England, Philippines, Canada, Poland, Netherland, Germany, India and Spain.
We really hope all of you had enjoyed the time with us on the day.
We posted snapshots of Asakusa Tours followed by Ueno Park Tour below. We hope you will be able to remember our tours with these photos!!

Asakusa AM Group A

Asakusa AM Group B

Asakusa PM Group A

Asakusa PM Group B

Asakusa PM Group C

In Ueno Park, even on hot and humid days, leaves of large trees with the age of up to 150 years, provided us with comfortable sunshades here and there.

Ueno Park Group A

Ueno Park Group B

The day’s special feature was that we TFWT held an Asakusa evening tour for the first time. This new Asakusa evening tour could be joined after joining the Ueno tour. Therefore, in addition to the current pair “from Asakusa tour to Ueno tour”, you can choose “from Ueno tour to Asakusa tour” according to your convenience. Off course, join one of these is always welcome.
This time, two groups of three guests kindly chose this new pair tours, and enjoyed the twilight view from the observation deck of Asakusa tourist information center along the tour course.

After the evening tour of Asakusa, you can go up to the Tokyo Sky Tree to enjoy the night view or enjoy a beer at the observation restaurant at the Asahi Beer headquarters building or could enjoy a variety of Japanese dinners in the Asakusa area at night. Please refer to our tour schedule to find the best fit ones for you.
Lastly, we will appreciate it a lot if you will be able to put your feedback in TripAdvisor or other SNS sites. As we are volunteer guides, favorable feedback will really motivate us!! We would like to strive for continuous improvement of our tours based on your kind feedback.
For more information about our tour or post feedback, please visit our web sites at ,, or Tokyo Free Walking Tour at .
(Posted by Masao)