
Asakusa Tour Report on Sunday,28th May


Thank you so much for joining our tour in Asakusa on 28th May.We are glad to receive 20 friendly guests from eight countries. The weather was fine and the streets were congested with people as usual. Some of you might have seen a Shinto-style wedding ceremony at Asakusa shrine.I hope all of you enjoyed a short walking tour with us.





Now the beautiful five-storied pagoda has just been uncovered. Renovation and repair works have been underway since June last year and almost completed. The height is about 53 meters or 15 to 20th floor of a building and it is the second tallest pagoda in Japan. We are pleased to get back the beautiful landmark of Asakusa.
The current pagoda was built in 1973 and the former pagoda had been standing at the opposite side of the street for about 300 years.It was destroyed in the firebombings during WWⅡ in 1945.


Some pagodas were destroyed by fires,typhoons and lightning. Currently there are approximately 80 five-storied pagodas existing in Japan and there is no record that pagodas have been broken down by earthquakes.
Apparenty pagodas including this tower are an earthquake resistant structure with many flexible joints which resembles a snake dance and absorbs the vibration of the building. With this traditional construction method, earthquakes are controlled.
Incidentally five-storied pagodas originate from an indian stupa, dome-shaped tomb typically known for Buddha’s ashes which are kept on the top floor of the tower as a treasure. Buddha’s ashes are officially gifted from a Sri Lankan temple. The pagoda is not open to the public except the supporting members.
The vermillion five-storied pagoda of Sensoji Temple has been renewed. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Asakusa.

(posted by Yoshi)