East Gardens of the Imperial Palace


East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

It has been an unusually hot summer. Despite the heat, tourists continue to visit Japan to enjoy holidays.

On our tour to the East Garden of the Imperial Palace on August 4, 15 guests from 9 countries joined us. Thank you so much.



It was another hot day with high temperature up to 35 degrees, so we chose to walk and stay in the shades of trees as much as possible, took longer rests at air conditioned rest houses to reduce the risk of heat stroke.


We were healed by the gentle wind coming through the trees when we strolled around the Ninomaru Japanese garden.

No one seems to have been excessively tired during the two-hour tour. I believe all the guests have enjoyed the tour to the end.


Lush green garden and cicadas singing loudly in the East Garden made us feel we are just in the middle of summer season, and that reminded me some haiku (short poems) of Matsuo Basho. He was a famous haiku poet who lived in 17th century.

Summer grasses,
All that remains,
Of warriors’ dreams
(Natsukusa ya, tsuwamonodomo ga, yume no ato)

Deep silence,
The shrill of cicadas,
Seeps into rocks
(Shizukasa ya, iwa ni shimiiru, semi no koe)


Summer is getting hotter in recent years. But if you go to watch a spectacular fireworks show or join in a local town summer festival, which you can experience only in summertime, you can still enjoy and make the most of your summer holidays in Japan.
