AsakusaUeno Park



We  Tokyo-Free-Walking-Tour welcomed cumulative total number of 17 guests from UK(6), Canada(2), Spain(2), Argentine(2), Singapore(2), Columbia(1), Germany(1) and India(1) to Asakusa morning / afternoon tour & Ueno Park tour held on Nov. 10th Sunday. 

We appreciate a lot for all of the guests joining our tours and would like to express special thanks to the guests who joined plural tours of us.    And also, we hope everyone enjoyed our tours!

The day was full of bright sunlight and comfortable temperature. 

It was lucky for us that we could encounter some family with boys and girls wearing cute “Kimono” in Asakusa area.   Middle of November is the timing of  “Shichi-go-san” which celebrate the growth of children.   Boys aged five and girls aged three and seven are the ages celebrating “Shichi-go-san” or “Seven-Five-Three” ceremony.

Especially, the day was the very best day to hold celebration called “Tai-an-kichi-jitsu”,which is one of the six special days in the Japanese lunisolar calendar, very auspicious day for all types of occasions.    

There is an additional heart warming topic I really want to mention when talking about this day.   That is,  the parade of newly enthroned Emperor and Empress starting from the Imperial Palace to their residence in Akasaka.    119,000 people were gathered along the 4.6Km road to celebrate them and television ratings of the parade was said 27.4% in Tokyo! 

The parade was once postponed from 22th October to this auspicious day because of the attack of huge Typhoon in the middle of October.  It really can be said that the weather also celebrated them.     

Lastly, I’d like to mention our Tours.  In addition to regular weekend Tours, we will have a special Weekday tour on coming Nov. 20th at East Garden of Imperial Palace.  Please check “tour calendar” of this site for detail. 

We are looking forward to have the days when you and your friends or family will participate in TFWT hosted tours in future.

(posted by Masao)