East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

East garden of the Imperial palace welcomed us in a full dressy color (Nov.29, weekday-tour)

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Time passes away…, so we settled off with a empty boat for a while.
Finally, 4 trippers were so generous to take a ride on the way.
Well, here comes the joy boat!! Also, we would like to thank our guests
teaching us about  their beautiful country, France and Australia.
When we have a talk like this, we just wish to visit there soon.

Needless to say, the color of the autumn trees were in full change.
The sky was so blue so the contrast with the trees were extremely vivid.
The Ginko leaves in full yellow, witch hazel leaves in yellow and red,
Maple leaves in red and green,  evergreen trees, the fruitful orchard garden in orange,
On weekends, the east garden of the Imperial house are usually lively with many visitors.
However, this day, we could see less people walking around.
So, it was like a private garden!

The moderate morning walk was a like a fantastic adventure and
we really appreciate our guests to take part in to share their each precious time.
The heartwalming talk with our guests, the warm color of the trees,
we just appreciate the time we could spend with you all.
Thank you very much again and hope that all of you could enjoy your stay in Japan!

(posted by Nori)