Thank you very much for participating in the Asakusa Morning/Afternoon Tour and Ueno Park Tour held on May 14th!! Despite the weather forecast, it didn’t rain until the end of tours, thanks to the dragons! We really hope all of you had enjoyed the time with us on the day.
We welcomed 31 Guests for Asakusa; USA, Costa Rica, Spain, Singapore, India, Italy, Brazil and Canada and also 15 Guests for Ueno Park; Australia, Argentina, Germany, England, India, Italy and Israel. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to your joining.
As we posted photos of Asakusa Tours followed by Ueno Park Tours below, we hope you will be able to remember our tours!!
Asakusa AM Group A

Asakusa AM Group B

Asakusa AM Group C

Asakusa AM Group D

Asakusa PM

Ueno Park has become full of green leaves. It makes architectures and monuments in the park more attractive as you can see from photos.
Ueno Park Group A

Ueno Park Group B

As we mentioned to the guests of Asakusa tour, the big festival of Asakusa Shrine called Sanja Matsuri will be held from May 19th to May 21st. This festival is one of the three major traditional festivals in Tokyo that has continued since the Edo period, and it can be said that it is one of the major traditional events that represents Japan. Let me take this opportunity to explain a little.
Each town have their own Mikoshi or portable shrine whose number is up-to 100!! Since COVID-19 pandemic, full-scale festival has been pended for three years. Therefore, member of the town must be so eager to join. The festival start from the parade of them.
At the stage of the final day, three large Mikoshi (portable shrines) kept in the shrine, whose weighs are up to 1 ton, will go around the town supported by the shoulders of 100 people each!! People chant “Soya! Soya!” to fuel their momentum and boost the festive mood. If you have a chance to stay in Tokyo at this timing, please don’t miss it! For more details, please refer to the related site.

We TFWT guides would like to make your stay more fruitful by our tours. Please visit our website to find your best fit tour of TFWT at your next stay in Tokyo.
Lastly, we will appreciate a lot if you will be able to put your feedback in Trip Advisor or other SNS sites of us. Just general impression of the tour even without Guide Names are welcome. We would like to strive continuous improvement of our tours based on your kind feedback.
We are looking forward to having the opportunity to meet you again.
(Posted by Masao)