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Shinto ceremony, colorful leafs, Imperial Palace and East Garden is dramatically changing day by day!! Nov.20, weekday tour

Shinto ceremony, colorful leafs, Imperial Palace and East Garden is dramatically changing day by day!! Nov.20, weekday tour

Many many thanks to our guests joining our weekday tour this day.
It was a chilly, windy morning but we were so delighted to welcome 10
guests from U.S.A, U.K, Germany, Ireland, Holland and Australia.
We could explore the East Garden with newly dressy autumn colored trees in bright yellow. slighty red, and time just flew with a lot of talks with our amazing guests.


I guess this day was the last day we could enjoy the garden in a “peaceful atmosphere”for a while…since from the next day(Nov.21-Dec.8), the “Daijyo-kyu” located on the upper area of the East Garden was to be opened to the public and  lots and lots of people may be visiting the East Garden for 18 days.

If you would like to know more about this Daijyo-Sai,
or if you are to go to see this special building at the East Garden of the Imperial House, I recommend you to go to the exhibition held at Kokugakuin-University Museum in Shibuya. The name of the special exhibition is exactly “Daijosai”and is open till Dec.15. They try to offer Japanese/English explanation  for this special exhibition which may help you to understand a liitle bit more
about this top sacred, top secretive, top mysterious but top attractive ritual ceremony. The museum is also constructed by 3 Permanent Exhibition parts –
Shinto, Archaeology, Kokugakuin Archives.
What makes me surprising is that this museum is very nice but is totally free!!

<Kokugakuin-University Museum>


Also,  don’t forget TFWT has colorful lined-up tours on each weekends(Asakusa, Ueno Park, Meiji-jingu) and going to have another weekday tour on Nov.28
(at East Garden of the Imperial Palace). For more information, please check our calendar!

(Posted by Nori)