Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

So many topics to share! on Oct.20, Meiji jingu-shrine Tour

Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Thank you very much for joining our tour this morning,
We we’re so delighted to welcome 31 guests from India, Israel, U.S.A.,Argentina, Italy, Canada, Sweden, Germany, Brazil.

First, the sky was cloudy at our meeting point, but soon the sun came out to say hi, and the walk under the sun was rather like a one in middle September. Unfortunately, we could not see the wedding ceremony in Shinto style this day, but instead of that, there were many events going on inside and outside the precinct this day. People seem to be really alive.
Shi-chi-go-san(a tradition Japanese event to celebrate children’s growth at their age 3 and 5 and 7) , Omiya-mairi(to take their baby to a shrine after it’s first  month  to pray for his or her good future and health), Ceremony for the WAKA rewards(Excellent  Japanese  poems collected across the country to offer to  Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken)  , Preparation for the Chrysanthemum Exhibition (from Oct.25-Nov.23), and so many visitors including Rugby fans.
Therefore, we could enjoy and share many many kind of hot topics with our guests this day. So as the topics of the enthronement ceremony of the Imperor to be on the day after tomorrow took a lot of concern!

This night, a  match of the Rugby World Cup to fix the Best 4 was to be held at Tokyo Stadium(Chofu) and Oita Stadium.  Japan Rugby team “Brave Blossoms”could have an opportunity to play against the  South Africa Rugby team, Springboks! Japan’s speed of play was stable enough but could not stop the seemingly unstoppable power  of  the Springboks.

12 cities in Japan have been cofirmed to host  the World Cup 2019  with 48 matches in total.  Therefore, the welcome displays or stores at places like Haneda Airport, Shinjuku StationKeio Line), Tokyo Station(Marunouchi Bldg.) is very exciting.
Talking about myself, I live along the Tokyo Stadium and could see many many Rugby fans from all over the world, before and after the match. That scene was just incredible, making me watch the matches on TV. Like me, it is told that many Japanese became suddenly a little Rugby fan because Japan Rugby team fought well and the mood of the World Cup gave people vital energy.

The Rugby World Cup 2019 started from September 20 and continues  to the final at November 2.  Our heart is still dancing and pounding to be the host country and cannot  help to keep an eye on. So, why don’t you just join us to share many topics with us during this exciting season!!

(posted by Nori)