
The Last Regular tour in Heisei Era, 28 April 2019, Asakusa Temple & Shrine


Many thanks to 9 guests in the morning and afternoon tours at Sensoji Temple and Asakusa Shrine in Asakusa town. Our guests were from Hong Kong, Italy, Estonia, Finland and Israel.

It was really clear and dry Sunday, which was very suitable for walking tour. We were glad to have wonderful guests in a very great moment in our history.

The tours were very historic in the sense that these tours have become our last regular tours in Heisei Era. Heisei is Japan’s own calendar year name officially used along with Gregorian calendar. Heisei started from 1989 when Emperor Hirohito, father of current Emperor died and the current Emperor, Akihito ascended to the throne. Then this year was 31st year from 1989, which is Heisei One.

On 30 of April, Emperor Akihito abdicated, and then next day, 1 of May new Emperor Naruhito ascends to the throne. This Enthronement day is start of new calendar year name, Reiwa. This year 2019, is marked as Heisei 31 and Reiwa 1. It sounds complicated so that is why we use Gregorian calendar together.

Due to such big events, from this weekend to next weekend and following Mondy, 6 of May, are holidays. Japanese enjoy 10 consecutive holidays. So the atmosphere of the city is very relaxing.

On that day back side of the main temple pavilion there held Crying baby Sumo tournament. This is the sumo tournament in which two babies carried by sumo wrestlers face each other and then whichever cries first becomes a winner.


This is due to saying “A crying baby can grow healthy.”

But if a grown-up person wants to cry like a healthy baby, there is a very suitable place just near the temple across the Sumida river. That is the SKY TREE, which we describe during the tour because it is very visible from where we walk on.

It is 634 meters high, the world’s second tallest human-made structure. Sky Tree is matched with Sensoji Temple’s five story-pagoda because top floor of the pagoda signifies Sky in Buddhism. From the observatory deck in the tower, you can see the whole of Tokyo city. The two of our guiding sites are seen in the same window from there. One green spot in front is Asakusa, Sensoji Temple and one in the back is Ueno Park, which is scheduled to be a new regular tour in Reiwa Era.


If you have a fear of heights, this is definitely a place to cry out. Not just window view but there is a glass floor that lets you view 350 meters below your feet.


After or before Asakusa tour, it is recommended to visit Sky Tree so that you can enjoy the both sites at fullest.

We wish to have greater tours in a brand new era. Please come and join our regular tours in Reiwa era.

(Posted by Masa)