This holiday season is unlike any other past one.
Throughout the season, and as we move into a new and hopefully better year, We wish you moments of peace and happiness amid the difficulties caused by the pandemic.
Let us summarize our activities of the year 2020.
Considering the situation of COVID-19 infection, we have suspended our regular tours since end of March. But it does not mean we totally suspend TFWT activities. In addition to regular monthly meetings, members are organizing various kinds of both on-site and online activities, such as
- On-line Study workshops / seminars
Topics covered wide range such as:
Recommended small talk topics, deep dive of Japanese castle and deep dive of
Edo Castle, popular animated movies & magazine, Kimono now & then, Bicycle tour
of good old traditional downtown
- On-line skill-up tours for members
- On-line catch-up gathering
- On-site walking tours for members, observing the latest update & guideline from the government and health authorities (just a few times during summer)
We will keep you posted any update via our website.
Also, we will continue issuing Tokyo Now delivering seasonality, beautiful nature, hot topics of Tokyo. Stay with us!
Stay safe
Stay healthy
Stay connected
We survived 2020
Peace Love Health 2021!!