East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour report, February 23, 2016

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Thank you for all the guests for joining the tour. Today we welcomed 19 Guests from Canada, Australia, Brazil, the U.K. Indonesia and Philippine.


It’s a little bit cold but we can find herald the coming of spring during the tour.


The early-blooming cherry trees are already flowering at the Island of cherry blossom in the East Garden. This lovely pink really fascinates us.

By the way, do you know Tofu?  It is Japanese traditional food made from soybean. It’s so soft and easy to break. Let me introduce the unique event using Tofu in Japan. The needle memorial service is held every February 8 at Sensoji temple in Asakusa. Many women visit Sensoji temple on this day and place broken needles in Tofu and make wishes for their progress in sewing skills. However, why is Tofu used? It’s because needles work so hard. Sometimes they need to sew tough materials. They need to be placed on something soft and take a rest from the hard work days!

tofu(Images taken from Taito City website)

We have a regular tour every Saturday and have weekday/Sunday tours irregularly. Please check the calendar on our website, Facebook and TripAdvisor.