East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report : January 6, 2018 (The East Garden of the Imperial Palace)

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Thank you very much for joining our first tour of the year 2018!  We 16 guides welcomed 24 guests from Australia, US, Netherlands, Canada and Germany, and divided into 5 groups.  Fortunately it was clear and not so cold, and the best day for walking outside.  We hope all our guests enjoyed all the spots of the tour.



Anyways, I heard that many foreign tourists spent this new year holiday in Japan.  Did you try to visit to the shrines or temples at the midnight of January 1 for “Hatsu-moude” or  first visiting to there for good luck of the new year? Or did you try to eat the special meals for the new year called “Osechi” ?  Osechi are special dishes for the New Year holidays.  A variety of ingredients such as fish, black beans, rolled kelp, and vegetables are prepared and arranged artfully lacquer boxes.  And we also drink New Year’s spiced sake called “Otoso” in the hope of being healthy.


And there is another traditional custom of eating rice porridge with seven kinds of spring herbs, or “Nanakusa-gayu”, on January 7.  This is very healthy as these herbs are abundant in fiber and minerals, which improves blood circulation. This custom was introduced from China and became established by 8-9th century (Heian Period).  As you may easy to know, this porridge is also good for our digestion after eating and drinking too much during New Year parties. (Of course this walking tour was also good exercises for all the guides, ha ha ha… )

Thanks again to all the guests, and I sincerely hope you make many wonderful memories during your stay in Japan!



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