Today we welcomed guests from Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, UK, and US.
Despite the cold weather outdoors, we were able to join the sun and the nice chill air during the 2 hour walk.
Feb.3 is “Setsubun” the day before the beginning of spring.
On this day, many homes would have an event called “bean throwing” ceremony which goes back to 1500s.
People would throw roasted beans or grains inside and outside their houses, also at family members wearing a demon mask. While throwing the beans, they would chant, “Demons out, happiness in! ” to drive away evil and bring in good luck. Later after beans are collected from the floor, people would eat the same number of the beans as their age and wish for a disease/disaster- free year.
Demons represent evil spirits, or inner invisible negative vibes.
Roasted beans represent the tool to drive away the evil, as it was once believed that grains and soybeans have the power to do so. Beans are roasted in order to confine the evil spirits into each bean.
As a soylover, I would buy a pack of roasted soybeans at this time of the year. Although I try to keep the number of beans the same as my age, I end up eating the entire package….
Looking for something cultural to do in Tokyo?
Please be the next to join the friendly guides on Tokyo Free Walking Tour.
Every Saturday (13:00 – 15:00)
Report by Asako