East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report of the East Garden of the Imperial Palace on March 15, 2025

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Having welcomed 23 guests from various countries of US, Canada, UK, Austraila, Itaty, Germany, Taiwan, Israel, China. We conducted the tour in 4 groups.  I was hipping around from group to group to see if every guest was enjoying the tour. 

Our tour is characterized by each group consisting of around ten guests with a few guides so that the guests could enjoy conversation with local Japanese, or the guides.  Due to the increase of the foreign tourists in Japan, guided tour is also popular among them. Of the many guided tours that one guide takes care of a bunch of guests without communicating other than the explanation of the spots, our tour is different from others, I believe. For those who are also interested in talking with Japanese not just seeing and buying something, please join our tour.

By the way, the spring and cherry blossom season are just around the corner.  According to the Sakura blooming forecast, Tokyo will have the start of bloom on March 22.  Around the end of March will be at its peak.  We are having the a tour in Ueno Park, most famous Sakura viewing spot in Tokyo and also cooperating with Chiyoda Ward for its Sakura Festival at Chidorigafuchi moat.  If you are around Tokyo, please enjoy once and short period experience in a year in Japan.

(by Marky)