East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 14-January, 2017, Saturday

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

We would like to thank all our guests for joining Tokyo Free Walking Tour on January 14, 2017.
Winter season has definitely come.
As the Meteorological Agency predicted, the daytime temperature in Tokyo was less than ten degrees.

Despite such severe weather, around thirty guests participated in our strolling tour.
All of the participants were divided into four or five groups and several guides were assigned to each group to accompany them.
The groups’ starting point was Tokyo station and we walked towards the East Garden of the Imperial Ground, where the Shogun’s residence used to be.

The sky above was getting full of grey clouds, and during the middle of our tour, we had a little snowfall.
The cold and dry air was hitting our faces, so it made the day significantly chilly.
Ultimately, everyone started shivering with the unbearably cold temperature.
Despite the weather, some of the flowers vividly showed their blooms.

After two hours and a half of touring around certain locations, we concluded the trip at the Hirakawa Bridge, where we were greeted by a splendid view of this historical treasure.


It was a pleasure to have mutual interactions with visitors and we were able to discuss cultural differences during the tour. The guests were also able to converse among themselves.
In the meantime, we, the guides, were extremely glad to introduce typical things about  Japanese cultures, like food, fashion and habits,  in hopes that their time would be worthwhile.

(By Arac)