East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 23 September 2017

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

We thank many guests joining this tour On that day we welcomed 28 guest from USA, UK, Israel, Italy, Indonesia, Philippine, Australia, Nederland, and Romania. It was a little hot but not so humid.

We then divided into 4 groups. One of the group has 4 cute child guests so the guides of the group entertained them by using stamp rally so that the children would not be bored. That is our way of hospitality.

That day was National Holiday called Shuubunno-hi, Autumn Equinox Day. In a period around that day, the length of day and night becomes almost the same. That is the start of Autumn season in calender. But this is not cheerful holiday rather it is time to visit family graves and worship ancestors and comfort their spirits. In March we have the  other Equinox Day, that is called Shunbunno-hi, Spring Equinox Day. That is the beginning of Spring time. Both Equinox periods are called Higan in Japan. It is said that heat and coldness do not last over Higan periods. After the both Higan, climate becomes milder and more comfortable to go out. It is the best season for sightseeing. We expect more people joining the tour in coming months.

Japan has four seasons except Southernmost prefecture, Okinawa, whose climate zone is subtropical. Every time season changes the colors of the landscapes changes and new flowers blossom. But that is not always fun because every time that happens we have to adjust our bodies to changing temperature and humidity.

Since Autumn Equinox Day, the temperature is dropping dramatically. Even it is hot in daytime, nighttime can be cold. So please take care of yourself with clothing. Wearing a light jacket all the time is highly recommended.

We are looking forward to seeing you in great season.