East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 30-January, 2016, Saturday

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Thank you for the guests kindly joined our tour on 30-Jan. We totally had 23 guests from several countries, divided three groups.

It was very cold & gray day on last Saturday. Weather forecast said we would have snow here, but fortunately (unfortunately? for some people), we didn’t. Usually we have snow once or twice in a year here in Tokyo. It means Tokyo people are not good at snowy weather and have unusual problem EVERY TIME, like subway/railway delay or suspension, some fractured people by slippery snow etc. I love a day with snow, if I can stay home and keep warm, but otherwise, I don’t like it. However, we had relatively warm days by mid-January, so the plum tree bloomed already. Unbelievable! It usually blooms in late-February, but we can enjoy the plum flower this year already.

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By the way, we had an orientation for incoming guides in the afternoon on the same day. We had almost 50 new joiners. They had a lecture about the tour from experienced guide, including the history of Edo, an imperial family, each monument in the garden etc. Each guide has each script, so if you kindly join our tour several times, you can enjoy different script at each point. And then you will understand more.


We sometimes have repeat guests. On the last Saturday, we did. I met a guest who joined our tour two years ago. He was my guest last time and we met again after two years! What a coincidence!!! This time he joined another group, not mine, but I believe he enjoyed the tour with my colleagues. Repeat guests are also always welcome!

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We have a regular tour every Saturday and have weekday/Sunday tours irregularly.
Please check the calendar on our website,  facebook and tripadvisor.