Thank you for the guests kindly joined our Saturday tour on 4th of June.
We totally had 39 guests from 13 countries, by five groups.
It was cloudy and windy,but not so bad.
We hope all guests enjoyed this walking tour with us.
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While walking together, we can enjoy talking about various issues.
On that day, we talked a liitle about Japanese 6 year boy who had been missing in the mountain for several days, and was found alive. The news were broadcast widely and caused a lot of discussion whether his father’s treatment to the boy, he left his son alone there for a couple of minutes,was OK for home discipline.
Each guest had each opinion based upon his or her background, but we came to conclusion that the kid was amazing and we were relieved with this happy ending.
After this two and a half hour tour, you can try one-touch Kimono as a part of happy ending. Please come and join us!!