East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report On January 28th

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

It was unusually warm. I couldn’t believe we are in winter now. It was like spring has come.

By the way, we welcomed 23 guests from   Australia, U.K., Indonesia, Germany, Korea, Ukraine, and Argentine.

We split into 5groups and began the tour from Marunouchi central gate of Tokyo station at 1:00pm.as usual.

These are the group-photos. See below,







The palace has a Japanese plum garden which has many kinds of Japanese plum-trees. Now they have cute flowers. They are supposed to bloom in February, but they looked they are the best now. Japanese like cherry flowers and plum flowers. Japanese plums bloom even in snowy days in February. They look like encouraging us to say spring is just around the corner.


After the tour you can try an instant kimono. It takes about one hour or more to put on a normal kimono(a Japanese traditional cloth), but we have special kimono. It only takes two minutes to put on. We have ones for men and women. It sure is a good idea to wear the instant kimono to take a photo as a good memory of the tour.


Then next is your turn! Come and join us! See us at Marunouchi central gate of Tokyo station by 1pm.

Akira Hoyanagi