East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on May 6 2017, Saturday

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

    Thank you to all the wonderful guests who joined our tour on May 6, 2017.

    It was a beautiful sunny day but it felt a little hotter than a usual spring afternoon, so it was a good day to have some ice cream during the tour. (There is a place where you can buy ice cream inside the Imperial Palace East Gardens.)



    When we gathered at the Tokyo station, it seemed the people walking around were a little bit fewer than usual. Maybe it’s because it was during what we Japanese call the “Golden Week”, a week that contains 4 public holidays starting from the end of April till the beginning of May where many people go on short vacations outside of Tokyo.

    Although there were no cherry blossoms anymore, there were many other flowers blooming inside the East Garden. Especially the wisteria in Ninomaru Garden (a beautiful Japanese garden inside the Imperial Palace East Gardens) were amazing.

    Pretty soon the iris will be blooming (there are more than 80 kinds of them in the Ninomaru Garden!), so if you are in Tokyo during May and June, please try to include the Imperial Palace East Gardens in one of your destinations. We will be honored to guide you through the beautiful garden.

Yuri T.