East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on October 12, 2017(Weekday Tour : East Gardens of the Imperial Palace )

East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Thank you very much for all our guests who joined “October 12, East Gardens of the Imperial Place Tour”

We had 12 guests from Spain, Russia, USA, Australia, Italy and France.                      We divided them into 2 groups before our starting.

It was a little hot day. We enjoyed the tour and we could feel the autumn.                 We imagined the autumn day of 300 years ago inside the East Gardens.


In Japan,  autumn is a nice season for traveling. Comfortable temperature, pleasant humidity, blue sky, huge harvest,  delicious fruits, beautiful scenery of mountains, etc.

TFWT’s regular tour of the East Garden of the Imperial Palace is held every Saturday 13:00-15:30. You are in Tokyo, please come and join our tour.

We guides are always looking forward to seeing you.

(posted by Keiko N.)