
Tokyo Now

Tokyo Now #28: Sakura Sakura

Sakura, the cherry blossoms were almost in full bloom in Tokyo last weekend. And now its petals are dancing in the air and floating on the water. It's like raft. Shidare-zakura, weeping cherry trees. Just beautiful. Lovely spring flowers follow.
Tokyo Now

Tokyo Now #27: Speaking of spring fun…

The weather is getting more & more spring-like. I can feel spring in the air as I'm allergic to cedar pollen. It is not quite poetic to see beautiful scenery with a running nose (sigh). According to the 8th forecast released by JMC ( Japan Meteorological Corporation),  cherry blossoms will start to flower on March 22 and reach full bloom around March 30.  JMC’s cherry blossoms forecast is for famous & popular Somei Yoshino. Early this week I enjoyed my 1st Hanami and Obento (lunch box) this spri...
Tokyo Now

Tokyo Now #26: Ume, Japanese Plum, in full bloom

Plum Blossom are messengers of Spring at the East Garden of the Imperial Palace As of today, Tokyo is under pre-emergency measures for Covid 19 pandemic. Number of newly infected person has sharply increased since the end of the last year, and is still high but getting peak out. Feb 23rd is the Emperor’s birthday and a National Holiday in Japan. Normally, many people gather at the Imperial Palace to celebrate the Emperor's birthday, but this year the ceremony was canceled and the area around the...
Tokyo Now

Tokyo Now #24 Greeting from Asakusa

Hello  Greeting from Asakusa first time this year and after 9 months good rest! March began with warm weather like April here in Tokyo. It will take several months before on-site tour resumes. But we will be keeping you posted with latest views and movements in Tokyo. Our new project is now underway something related to on-line tour... Hope we will soon welcome you to our tours. See you soon! By TFWT PA&C