East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace of East Gardens Tour on February 1st

Thank you for choosing our tours at the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace on Feb 1st. We welcomed 21 guests from Australia, UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, and US. It was perfect weather for the tour. I hope all of you enjoyed our tour and shared with us an interesting conversation of history and culture for a few hours under the clear sky. As promised, group photos and snapshots are attached. Your feedback is important and always helpful to us. If you enjoyed our tour, could you consider reviewing o...

Tour Report in Asakusa on February 1

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule and joining the tour at Sensoji Temple on February 1. We welcomed 10 people from Australia and America. It was a great opportunity to share the Japanese culture and history with you in the absolutely wonderful weather. Also, some of you kindly accompanied us in the subsequent tour which we really appreciate. Meanwhile, group pictures and snap shots are enclosed. We always make our efforts to improve the quality of our tours. If you liked th...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace East Gardens Tour on Wednesday 29th January 2020

Thank you for joining our tour at the Imperial Palace East Gardens on Wednesday 29th January 2020. We welcomed 8 guests from the UK, USA and Australia. I hope all of you enjoyed the tour in the warm sunshine, as it had been cold and wet for a few days earlier this week. As promised, group photos and snapshots are attached. Your feedback is important and helpful to us. We would appreciate if you could post your review about our tours on our TripAdvisor or Facebook. Once again, thank you for choos...

Asakusa & Ueno Tour Report, 26th Jan. 2020

Thank you for choosing our tours at Asakusa & Ueno on 26th Jan. 2020. We welcomed 9 guests from UK, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland and Brazil. I hope all of you enjoyed our tour and shared with us an interesting conversation of history and culture for a few hours. As promised, group photos and snapshots are attached. Your feedback is important and helpful to us. If you enjoyed our tour, could you consider reviewing our tours? We would appreciate to see your comment about our tours on our Facebo...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on Jan. 25th, 2020 (The East Garden of Imperial Palace)

Thank you for choosing our tours at The East Garden of Imperial Palace on January 25th, 2020. We welcomed 8 guests from US, UK, China, and Chile. I hope all of you enjoyed our tour and shared with us an interesting conversation of history and culture for a few hours. As promised, here are group photos. And here are some interesting snapshots. Enjoy! You may know that Japan is famous for cherry blossom. But here is another good one to see, that's blossom of Japanese plum. It just started blooming...
Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Meiji Shrine & Harajuku Tour Report on the 19th January

Thank you for joining our Meiji shrine & Harajuku tour on the 19th January. We welcomed 16 guests from the U.K, India, Turkey, Serbia, Argentina, the U.S.A. and Australia. Although it was a bit chilly, we enjoyed a fantastic walking under the blue sky. In this tour, you can experience an amazing transition of the atmosphere , absorbed in a traditional tranquility of the shrine, then jostling through a crowd in colorful Takeshita street, finally reaching a grand avenue lined with sumptuous boutiq...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on Jan.18,2020(the East Garden of the imperial Palace)

Tour Report on Jan. 18.2020. (The East Garden of the Imperial Palace) Thank you for choosing our regular tour of The East Garden of the Imperial Palace. We welcomed 5 guests from Australia. It was a light rain but we enjoyed two and half hour walking with our gusts. We watched some plum-blossom. Japanese love plum-blossom viewing in February and pickled plum that is called “Umeboshi” in Japanese. It’s very sour. Have you tried? We had a family of five members. One of them was the youngest daught...

Asakusa Tour Report on Jan.18th

Thank you for joining our Asakusa Saturday morning tour on Jan.18th. We had 15 guests. They were from Argentine (2), Italy (2), Mexico (8), Turkey (2) and U.S.A (1 ). It rained with sleet and snowed sometimes. Although it was cold, our guests enjoyed walking and taking pictures at Sensoji temple in Asakusa. For more information about our tour, please visit our website, Facebook and Tokyo Free Walking Tour at  Asakusa Tour Information (by Rei)
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on Jan. 11, 2020 (The East Garden of the Imperial Palace)

Thank you for joining our regular tour of The East Garden of the Imperial Palace. We welcomed 19 guests from South Africa, Columbia, Russia, Greece, Germany, Australia, USA and Spain. It was perfect day to enjoy the walking tour. We enjoyed two hour walking with our guests. Today, the second Monday of the January is our National Holiday  “ Coming-of-Age Day”. Young people who was born in 1999 and 2000 celebrate their grown-up. You can see many young women wearing the long sleeved kimono around t...

Tour Report on 12 January 2020, Meet the legendary dogs at National Museum of Science and Nature!

Many thanks to 6 guests who joined today's tours in Asakusa and Ueno Park. In the morning, we welcomed 5 guests from USA, South Africa, Hong Kong and South Korea at Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, and then in the afternoon we welcomed 1 guest from USA in Ueno Park. That day was actually the first tour day of the sites in 2020. So Happy New Year for the guests! It was cloudy, and sometimes slightly rainy and cold in the afternoon. But we could enjoy the tours and the atmosphere was very cheerful since...