


Thank you for joining our Tokyo Free Walking Tour in Asakusa. On the day of our two-guided tours, on the 23rd of September, we welcomed 20 guests on our walking tour. Guests were from different regions of the world, including Australia, Brazil, Czech France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, and U.S.A. After a humid and scorching weather, the summer season is finally over and the autumn season has now entered without noticing it. Speaking of the autumn season, it normally...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report of Sep.22,2018 – East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Today we welcomed 24 guests from US, Germany, Argentina, Israel, Malaysia, Italy, France, Australia and Denmark. Sep.22 happens to be the first day of a long day holiday as well as the day before equinox day.It is said that neither the heat nor cold lasts beyond the equinox day, meaning that we will be released from the humid & heat anytime soon. In our tour, we guides try our best to provide you with information on history and cultures of Tokyo and Japan in general.It is also a great chance for...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace


Thank you so much for joining our weekday tour to the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace on Sep. 19th. We are very happy to have 11 guests from Israel, USA, Spain, France and India. The weather was very nice. We hope all of you enjoyed the tour! We started the tour at 10 am from Tokyo Station. We unexpectedly saw the horse carriage parade there two times today. Newly appointed ambassadors (from Senegal and Qatar) were on a horse carriage on their way from the Gyoko-dori Avenue to the Imperial P...
Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Tour Report of Meiji shrine -Harajyuku on September 16th

Thank you for joining our tour today. Today we welcomed 13 guests from many countries. Now we are in the middle of September. Hot summer has gone by and the weather is gradually shifting to autumn. Soon Japan will enter the best season for travelling. Please come and join our tour. Now let me get back to today's tour topic ( Meiji shrine-Harajyuku ) . Today's topic is about a torii which has inseperable with a shrine. The first torii of Meiji shrine is the gathering place of our tour. When Japan...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Kamakura Emaki masterpiece(September 15)

Thank you so much for joining our tour at the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace on September 15. I sincerely appreciate the participation of the 22 friendly guests from UK, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Israel, South Africa, Canada, America, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and Singapore. It was partly rainy and cloudy. Nevertheless, I hope all of you enjoyed walking with us and perhaps got the chance to wear the instant kimono afterwards as well. As some of you may be aware there is a small museu...


Thank all the guests for joining our tours on September 9 in Asakusa. We welcomed 16 guests from Israel, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam and U.S.A. It was nice weather, but very hot and humid despite September. Nevertheless, I hope all of you enjoyed walking with us. September 9 is Disaster Prevention Day.That day means 9 (kyu) for September and 9 (kyu) for 9th day. Indeed it’s a pun of ‘kyu-kyu’ representing emergency in Japanese. This is to deepen the correct understanding and awareness of emergenc...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

The Saturday Tour for the East Gardens of the Imperial Palace (Sep. 9, 2018)

Thank you so much for joining our regular tour on Sep. 9th. There were 15 guests from Germany, Canada, Philippines, Spain, Israel, and the US, and divided into three groups. It was a sunny and hot day like a summer coming back again. Everyone looked tired a little bit, so we tried to have a break sometimes in the shade, with a drink or an ice cream, ha ha! We also welcomed a one-day trainee student as a guide from a high school in Tokyo. She felt nervous because that was her first experience as ...
Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Tour Report on September 2 MeijiJingu and Harajuku

Today in Tokyo it was raining and temporally heavily. We are grateful for our nine guests from all over the world who joined, regardless of the bad weather conditions. . Meiji Shrine is famous for its religious meaning, but I think Meiji Shrine has another aspect. Let me introduce. In Meiji Shrine Meiji Emperor and Shoken Empress spirits are enshrined. And this year our country has welcomed 150 year anniversary of the Meiji Restoration. Meiji Restoration means the change from 'samurai' warrior' ...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace


We would like to appreciate all of those who were energetic enough to join our tour this afternoon. We meet 12 guests from U.S.A., Canada, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Philippines. Although there were thick clouds in the sky, the weather cooperated with us. We could almost do without our umbrella!! Just like other countries, this summer was "a tough experience"for us. The heat went up so high with continuous typhoons... but we could find some elementsofthe upcoming autumn this day. The...