Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Tour Report on February 4, 2018 at Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Thank you very much for joining our regular tour on February 4. We welcomed guests from Taiwan and the US. We hope all enjoyed walking with us. Anyways, did anyone eat "Eho-maki", the thick sushi rolls on February 3rd, the Setsubun day ? You might find them sold at supermarkets or convenience stores at that time. Eho literally means the good luck direction, and Eho-maki is believed to bring good fortune if eaten while facing the year's eho. While you eat Eho-maki, you must be silent, look in the...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace


Today we welcomed guests from Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, UK, and US. Despite the cold weather outdoors, we were able to join the sun and the nice chill air during the 2 hour walk. Feb.3 is "Setsubun" the day before the beginning of spring. On this day, many homes would have an event called "bean throwing" ceremony which goes back to 1500s. People would throw roasted beans or grains inside and outside their houses, also at family members wearing a demon mask. While throwing the beans...

Tour Report on January 28, 2018 in Asakusa

Thank you for joining our tour in Asakusa on January 28. We had seven guests from Singapore,Chile,America and China. It was cloudy and cold, but nevertheless I hope all of you enjoyed the atmosphere of old Tokyo. February 3 is Setsubun,literally splitting the season when Mamemaki or bean-throwing festival is held at Sensoji Temple. It is the day before the first day of spring. Actually it is New Year's Eve according to the Old calendar system. On this day people throw beans to ward off demons an...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace


We explored the East Garden of the Imperial Palace with 17 guests from Australia, Philippine, Portugal, Brazil, Russia, UK, Spain, Belgium, China, Chile, and the USA.The start point is the Tokyo Station. The traditional western style red brick building is so impressive. We walk through the Marunouchi district. It is the core of the Japanese business center. Then we approach to the Imperial Palace East Garden. The palace is the former Edo Castle, which was the headquarters of the Samurai's milita...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace


We thank all our guests who joined our East Garden of Imperial Palace tour on Jan.20th. We welcomed 17 guests from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Taiwan and USA, including an 11-months baby boy. We hope you enjoyed experiencing the Edo period adventure with us. It was a little bit cold but it was a good day to walk around the garden (former Edo castle). Even in the middle of the winter, we enjoyed watching the nature around the Edo castle. The moat is a good place for various kinds of birds, such a...
Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Tour Report on January 21,2018 at Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Many thanks for joining our tour to Meiji Shrine and Harajuku area on January 21. The weather was unusually mild and comfortable in the middle of winter. We welcomed eight guests from America,Australia,Israel,Canada and Thailand. I hope you enjoyed walking with us. On our tour route there is lovely Ota Memorial Museum of Art in Harajuku. It is located at the quiet place between Takeshita Street and Omotesanso street.This museum is one of the most outstanding museums specializing in Ukiyo-e woodb...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report: January 18, 2018 (The East Garden of the Imperial Palace)

We thank all guests joining our East garden of Imperial Palace tour on Jan.18. We welcomed 11 guests from U.K., Germany, Australia, and Argentina. It was nice and comfortable day like spring. Some plum flowers started to come out! In Japan we can enjoy the plum blossoms in February. The most famous plum blossoms is at Kairakuen in Mito-City which is a Japanese Traditional Circuit Style Garden where a lot of plum trees. Kairakuen was established in 1842 by Tokugawa Nariaki. It takes one and half ...


Thank you for joining our first Asakusa tour this 2018. On the day of the tour, 14th of January, with cold temperature and clear sunny skies, we welcomed ten guests from South Korea, Hong Kong, U.S.A., Canada, and Argentina. Not surprisingly, the cold winter weather did not chase the visitors of Asakusa away. We were able to greet enthusiastic visitors not only from every corner of the district, but from other countries as well, despite the weather conditions in Japan. As usual, after greeting e...
East Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Tour Report on 13-January, 2018, the East Garden of the Imperial Palace

We thank many guests joining this tour on that day. We welcomed 20 guests from USA, Philippines, Hong Kong, Canada, Spain, Hungary, Argentina, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand. The sky was blue, but it was very cold day. We could enjoy Japanese apricot (Ume) blossom. Ume blooms earlier than any trees in the winter and has a variety of flowers of white, red or pink, single or double-flowered. It has been considered as symbol of "energy of life" and "good omen". In addition, the fruit will be used f...
Meiji Shrine and Harajuku

Tour Report: January 7, 2018 (Meiji Shrine and Harajuku)

Thank you for joining our first Meiji Shrine and Harajukutour of the year! This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration, or the transition of political power from the Tokugawa Shogunate to the Meiji Constitutional Monarchy. The Shoguns hadvirtually closed down the country for over 250 years, until in the year1868 when the Emperor took over and eventuallyopened the county to learn modern technology and culture from western powers.I, among many other people, find this transition ...